Adding Metatags (SEO optimization)

Typo3 offer a simple way to support SEO optimization.

This way is quit simple all what you have to do is to switch to the page propertymode from the backend and fill the areas in the metadata tab.

This is just for adding you tags,but for display them you should add the following code to your typoscript code:

   description = This website is all about Typo3! 
   keywords = typoscript metatags,seo optimization,metadata 

This is one way,there is also another way to do that,with the .headerData property:

page = PAGE
  10 = TEXT
  10.value = <meta name='keywords' content='some content here'/>
  20 = TEXT
  20.value = <meta name='description' content='some content here'/>

These ways you should go get a better rank on search engines..

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